Sunday, September 1, 2013

The colossal car wash!!

   Words cannot describe how Joey and I felt on Saturday during our car wash, if we had not made a single dime we would have left feeling rich beyond our wildest dreams. Our amazing friends and family showed up and blessed us with hard work and lots of laughs. We enjoyed 4 hours of sunshine, soap, water and fellowship (a few cars were washed as well) I was able to share pictures of our sweet boys and explain our adoption journey. My hot hubby stood on the side of the road and waved signs for hours. It was also so very fun to watch all the little ones washing and serving, they didn't even know that they were storing up treasures in heaven! My only regret of the day was not bringing my camera and taking pictures to show our new sons how much they are loved! In my defense I worked the night before and was going on no sleep for over 24 hours:) Our grand total at the end of the wash was $1,278!! A nice step closer to our final goal. A HUGE thank you to everyone who showed up to wash, most with kids in tow, and to the others who stayed at home to watch children. The adoption journey is hard but at a time in our lives when we truly have the least amount of money we have never felt so rich and full of joy! God is so good and He is using His children to bless us so much. Thank you everyone!!

1 comment:

JacobsMom2010 said...

Awesome, glad it was a success, i was glad to meet you!i