Wednesday, July 3, 2013

WARNING! this post contains talk about breastfeeding!!!

  I LOVE breastfeeding!:) I have enjoyed being able to provide for my children in that way so very much. There are very few things sweeter then snuggling with your little one and having that intimate moment just the two of you in the middle of the night. God made such a perfect way for mommies to bond with their babies and provide them with easily digestible nutrition and antibodies to fight infection. All around it is a great experience. After giving birth with my last baby we decided not to have anymore children. Joey really felt God saying that our family was complete and had a vasectomy. I was so very sad and cried a lot that month.  The next few months my husband would wake up to me sobbing (and I mean pillow soaked, sobbing) about not ever breastfeeding again. I know it sounds crazy but God had given me such a strong desire for more children and of all things to breastfeed again. I cried and asked Him why did I have this desire when I knew we would not have more children? (Joey doesn't know but I also prayed that we would miraculously get pregnant) Well as always God does have a plan and He knows best. A few months after my last sobbing fit, He called us to adopt. We now know that He has two little ones we hope to bring home soon. I also learned an amazing thing while in our adoption group FB page. You can induce lactation!!! What?! How amazing is that. I won't go into the details of how exactly you do this but it is possible, and I am going to try my hardest to do it! I would love your prayers as I start the process soon, as it takes a few months as it would if you were pregnant and preparing for a baby. It is quite a commitment in the preparing months and there is no guarantee that I will be able to produce milk, but I would love to be able to provide this for our boys. It would be awesome for them in terms of bonding, nutrition, and immunity. I am not going to lie, 50% of my  desire to do this is for myself:) I really do love breastfeeding my children and I so look forward to having that time again. The "fair" side of my mommy brain says that I nursed the others I should nurse these too. If you would like to support us in this, thank you! I have no time to hear about how this won't work and isn't possible I am just too busy!:) Found these on clearance yesterday, I am ready to go!!

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