Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Where do you turn when life is impossible?

   I am happy to announce I am out of my funk and ready to fight again! Unfortunately Joey is really feeling the weight of our situation today. He is looking into the impossible place we find ourselves and it is overwhelming. How do you interview for a job knowing you need off for a 3-4 week trip to Eastern Europe and you still don't even know when that trip will be? How do you apply for benefits when you are bringing in two special needs children? How do you not become consumed with anger at the people/company that picked this exact time to lay you off? I know the answer but it is so much easier to type then live. GOD is the answer. He is the God of the impossible. Only God will get us through this situation and I want everyone reading this blog to have front row seats. We may cry and whine through this process but I want you to watch God work miracles in our lives and the lives of these children. We have no idea how this can possibly work out and we need your prayers. Joey especially today and tonight as I head off to work and leave him alone with the children. Please lift him up, he is such a selfless, sacrificial husband, father, and friend. I hate seeing him hurting, but I also can't wait to see what God is going to do! If you are reading this and are in an impossible situation and you don't have the hope that I talked about. We would love to talk with you about how we are able to have hope and joy in our lives no matter the circumstances! Message me!:)

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