Tuesday, April 23, 2013

God works in mysterious ways!

         During my time of moping, I remembered that we had planned on having a yard sale to raise funds for the adoption. We live in a big community and the neighborhood was having it's spring sale. A few people had said they would donate, but now it was Wednesday morning, three days til the sale, and we had nothing but our own junk. I didn't feel like doing it, Joey is never excited about yard sales. I thought, we don't even know what we are doing why even bother, but something (the Holy Spirit) said we should give it a try. I sent out a kindly reminder that if you would like to donate we would need it dropped off soon to prepare for the 7 am Saturday sale. Well, God showed up in the form of our Sunday school class and a garage full of stuff. I mean  full! I could barely walk around in the garage. I stood in the garage Thursday night and cried (if you are noticing a theme, I am a crier) We still didn't have any direction regarding country or agency but it was another affirmation that we were in God's will with adoption.
       I posted a picture on facebook of all the loot we had received to thanks the friends who had donated. On Friday someone named Ricky commented on the picture, "what is this?" I didn't know this person but he was a friend of a friend so I responded that it was a yard sale to raise funds for our adoption. He immediately messages me and asks if he can donate. Well, I am not going to turn down donations, sure come on over! Ricky comes a little while later with a load including an elliptical, xbox, and a surprisingly popular box of Christmas mugs (that is just a few things, there were lots more). He tells me that he loves that we have a heart for adoption and just wanted to help, and he hands me a check for $100! You can probably guess what I did:)
       We had another answer to prayer when I was cancelled from work that Friday night, looking back I know Joey would not have been able to put together all the stuff Friday morning without me. So at 6am on Friday we started putting all our goodies out in the yard. People came by and looked but no one was really buying anything. By 9 I was really getting discouraged, yard sales usually are fast in the morning and then slow down. I looked at my filled front yard and thought "what have I done!" I now have enough stuff to completely fill my garage forever, and I can't just take it to goodwill if it doesn't sell, it was donated! Isaiah, my ever intuitive son notices that I am worried. He asks me what is wrong, and I tell him that I am just worried that we will not sell our stuff. He tells me ever so sweetly, don't worry mommy it will all be okay. So smart at 6, oh to have the faith of a child! I then remember that we had not prayed over our sale like we had planned on doing. Joey, Isaiah, and I stopped and prayed over the sale and that God's will would be done.  The sale picked up and stuff started selling (I am not kidding it was amazing) I stayed home while Joey took the kids to Isaiah's soccer game. By days end we had sold $500 of stuff and still have plenty more that we will try and sell at another date. The following day I sold a large item on craigslist to bring our total sales to $800 plus the $100 donation.
      The sale was a huge motivator and we pushed forward and chose a placing agency and home study agency to begin the process. We filled out piles of paperwork and by Wednesday we had the initial application done to send to the home study agency. I sent it with Joey to mail off on Thursday with a check for $1900. When Joey walked in the door Thursday night, my first question was "did you send the application?" Have I mentioned I am not patient:) He says "no, I transferred the funds from our savings account and I will mail it tomorrow." I thought he was silly because if he mailed the check then the funds would be in the account by the time they received it. Either way it was done and I had to wait another day:( Friday morning came around and I got the kids breakfast ready and checked my facebook account. I could not believe what I saw!

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