Monday, April 22, 2013

The least of these

I stated in my last post that I didn't want a healthy baby, we want an orphan more specifically a special needs child. I don't know when this happened, and Joey and I have laughed about how when I was pregnant we always prayed for a healthy child. After finding the twins, I began researching orphans, their conditions and was shocked. It is horrific! In Eastern European countries children with special needs are considered cursed, less then animals, as the Bible calls them "the least of these." Specifically the plight of the Downs Syndrome children caught my attention, through blogs like These sweet little blessings are systematically starved so they stay little and less of a hassle. They almost never leave their cribs. Mrs. Salem of nogreaterjoymom adopted a 5 year old little girl with DS that was in 6 month clothing and had never left her crib, she had never been outside! She had learned to deal with total boredom and the depression of almost never being touched by banging her head against her crib. Most children do some form of autistic behavior like that just to feel something. It gets worse people! Since they are thought to be nothing and cannot learn they reach a point, for some as early as 4, when they are sent to mental asylums. At the asylum it is a survival of the fittest, 90% of them dye within the first year. This is real, this is happening now! Just youtube eastern european orphanages and you will see. So now maybe you can understand my insistence on not wanting a healthy baby:) I want one of these precious "least of these" I want to hold them and love on them and tell them the same things that I tell my current children daily. You are SPECIAL, you are a BLESSING, you are a SON/DAUGHTER of GOD!

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