Thursday, April 18, 2013

So Joey....God wants us to adopt:)

When I left off yesterday, I had not talked with my husband (who has been adamant for the last year that our family is complete.) Little background on hubby, he likes his spreadsheets on our future. It is not a control thing as much as a planning thing. We have life insurance for each member of the family, 529 plans for the kids college, emergency fund, all the good Dave Ramsey things. And it all just worked out with four kids. So on a Sunday night after my crazy night shift of finally giving up to God, I said "I think God is calling us to adopt." I don't remember his immediate response. It wasn't a NO! but it was not anywhere near what I had prayed for "I feel the same way!" He said things like I need time, I don't feel that call, what about our own children? I tried to explain my "feeling" of God telling me we were to adopt. Joey in no way is closed to adoption, he was adopted at the age of three and we had always said if we couldn't have children, we would adopt. But this was different we did have children and four of them in 5 years! Our lives were busy and full. We "talked" about it for a week or two. I tried not to nag but it is like when you want to be pregnant, you only see pregnant women. Every song on the radio, every book I read, all around me I saw orphans and adoption. I think I felt his heart changing and I did an awful thing, I showed him the waiting children on reece's rainbow's website. He cried and we started talking about how this might work for our family.

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